Mariborska Ulična galerija gosti fotografa in profesorja Milana Giesa iz Amsterdama.
Fotografija je del serije Identiteta. Umetnik v njej portretira osebe, ki iščejo svoje splone identiteta in so v procesu fizične tranzicije – This image is part of the series State of Identity. In this series the artist portrays those who are in search of their gender identity and are in the process of physical transition.
Milan Gies (1977) dela kot fotograf in kot profesor na Fotografski akademiji v Amsterdamu – Milan Gies works as a photographer and also as a teacher at the Photo Academy in Amsterdam.
Na ogled: 16. 4. – 19. 5. 2020| Ulična galerija fundacije Sonda in TAM-TAMa
kurator: 003 / Matija Brumen
Produkcija: TAM-TAM Inštitut, Ustanova Fundacija Sonda, GT22 in Alveola d.o.o.