The TAM-TAM Institute, in association with the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia and the Slovenian Red Cross, has announced the 15th Plaktivat – a socially responsible poster competition. It aims to inspire and raise awareness of the importance of blood donation as a pillar of humanity in developed societies.
Design concept and execution: TAM-TAM Institute
Partners: The Slovenian Red Cross and the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia
Medium: TAM-TAM city posters
Application deadline: 1 December 2022
Project: Plaktivat 15 – Blood Donation
Plaktivat is an international socially responsible competition, an activator of social consciousness, which promotes the creation of city posters and encourages positive changes in society. The competition is held twice a year and is intended for independent designers and design groups from all over the world. Students can participate in the competition’s “Fresh Blood” category. Submitted works are evaluated by an expert panel, composed of internationally acclaimed creatives and designers.
Most of us may never need to receive a blood transfusion, but it is nevertheless vital for all of us to have sufficient supplies of this life-sustaining fluid available to anyone who does. 350 donors have to give blood every working day to meet our healthcare daily needs. In Slovenia, more than 3% of the population donates blood, which amounts to around 100,000 blood donors participating in blood donation sessions annually. In the developed world, blood supply is based on non-remunerated, voluntary and anonymous blood donation, ensuring the safety of patients and donors alike. As other developed countries Slovenia is self-sufficient in blood supply.
Voluntary, non-remunerated and anonymous blood donation is a vital pillar of humanity within any developed society.
The Slovenian Red Cross has been organising blood donations in Slovenia since 1953. Together with transfusion service, the Slovenian Red Cross participates in ensuring that the health system has a sustained supply of safe blood. In Slovenia and other developed countries around the globe, organised blood donations have become a part of a national tradition spanning decades, and remain the noblest form of solidarity. Despite various social and economic crises and other societal changes that affect blood donation, the latter has retained its position among the most widespread forms of mutual aid. Regardless of how advanced the field of medical science gets, treatment involving blood transfusion relies solely on the general public’s willingness to help.
Blood demand is unpredictable, both in terms of the number of blood components and blood groups. Regulating bloodstock is a complex process, which requires constant monitoring and the active involvement of transfusion services. Blood donors, who respond to invitations to donate, play a key role in this process.
Blood donors are always welcome! Especially motivated individuals who are ready to donate when needed. The purpose of this creative design competition is therefore to encourage the general public, especially young people – new first-time donors, to donate blood and to understand the importance of this irreplaceable form of solidarity and mutual aid.
A functioning health system is one of the cornerstones of any advanced society, and the only way to ensure it stays in operation is through voluntary blood donations. Developed countries everywhere, with the help of countless anonymous individuals, can thus guarantee that those in need of blood receive it. It is this kind of altruism, this high level of social empathy, that we want to celebrate and bring to the forefront with our campaign. Our mission is to spread the word through positive messages regarding this topic and further encourage people to become donors and donate blood.
Posters should primarily focus on blood donation, and their message should aim to inspire and motivate the general public to donate blood, with the emphasis on the younger generations. Our mission is to help boost blood donation around the world and inspire new volunteers by means of original creative poster designs, so that the wider community will come to better understand and appreciate the sincere, compassionate and open-hearted people like blood donors. They are the anonymous heroes who save lives.
The deadline for submitting poster designs is 1 December 2022, until midnight.
The competition is intended for all graphic designers, be it individuals, freelance designers, students, or agencies and other legal entities who wish to be involved in co-creating a better common living space. We particularly invite students, who can, in addition to this public tender, also submit their work under the “Fresh Blood” category, where the winner will also be announced. All works by applicants who indicate on the application form that they have a “student status” will be automatically included in this category.
The winning poster will be printed and displayed at 500 TAM-TAM poster locations across Slovenia. It will be entered in the competition parts of the Slovenian Advertising Festival SOF and the Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design. The winner will receive Plaktivat’s MEGAPHONE award and a winning diploma, while the finalists will receive a silver diploma and all applicants will receive an e-plaque, commemorating their participation, awarded by Plaktivat’s organiser, the TAM-TAM Institute. Works that do not meet the technical requirements will be eliminated from the competition.
The 7-member evaluation panel is composed of:
Sašo Petek – Agency 101 – chairman of the evaluation panel
Katja Petrin Dornik – Herman & partnerji
Vasja Grabner – AV studio
Husu Domain – Yin Young
Martina Kokovnik – Art director
Luka Bajs – SHIFT
Tomaž Drozg – TAM-TAM
The winning poster will be printed and publicly displayed at 20 TAM-TAM poster locations across Slovenia. The winner will receive free registration for the next SOF – Slovenian Advertising Festival, as well as media exposure. The winner and finalists will receive a Plaktivat “Fresh Blood” plaque, awarded by the organiser, the TAM-TAM Institute.
Nejc Trampuž,
Alja Herlah,
Blaž Rat,
Alja Horvat,
Nejc Prah.
The winner and finalists will be announced in early January 2023 on TAM-TAM’s website and social media. We will also send a notification about the winner to all of TAM-TAM newsletter subscribers. All participants will be notified of the results by e-mail. (To receive news about Plaktivat and other design competitions, subscribe here.)
1. The entire prescribed image of the PLAKTIVAT project has to be included in the creative solution, the so-called pre-prepared template with a footer and logos (see attachments). The creative solution must follow the instructions in the brief and has to be created in the TAM-TAM city poster format. The poster should be designed with noticeability in mind. It has to be readable and informative and stand out in the multitude of visible stimuli that we encounter on the street.
Attached files
The attached graphic files in the application form should be formatted according to the instructions for file preparation. Each file should be submitted in PDF (print-ready) and JPG formats, adapted for evaluation, and must not include the designer’s signature. The applicant may submit a maximum of 3 applications and fill out a new application form for each poster. If the applicant chooses to submit a series of posters that work as a whole to deliver the intended message, then the posters must be submitted together as one document and one application.
2. Registration is possible exclusively via the e-application form, which is the entry point for all participants. >>
3. By submitting their posters, designers agree to all the competition rules and terms.
4. Language
Due to Articles 22 and 23 of the Act on Public Usage of the Slovenian Language, the text on the city poster, which will be displayed in a public space, must be written in the Slovene language or the Slovene version must not be emphasised to a lesser degree than the text in a foreign language. Works containing text in a foreign language may be submitted to the competition, but designers must undertake to translate the work into Slovene in the event of a win and the subsequent display of the poster in a Slovene public space, or to deliver an open file for the translation, which will be provided by the TAM-TAM Institute.
4. Copyright
By submitting their work, designers and participants of this competition agree to preserve the moral rights on their works and that their submitted works may be used during possible presentations of the PLAKTIVAT project (on the Internet, at conferences, lectures, promotional events and on various materials, as well as other publications within the scope of the PLAKTIVAT project), in the DASP – digital archive of the Slovenian poster (under construction) and that the material rights are transferred non-exclusively to the tenderer. Poster designers also agree to the possible publication of their names and posters in the media.
For additional information, write to us at