The 15th Plaktivat competition is over and the winners have been picked

We are proud to announce the winning posters of the 15th Plaktivat – Blood Donation competition! This year, a record number of 780 designers from all over the world registered for the 15th Plaktivat, organised by the TAM-TAM Institute in association with the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia and the Slovenian Red Cross. The aim of the competition was to promote and raise awareness of the importance of blood donation as a pillar of humanity in developed societies. In addition to the general Plaktivat category, designers also participated in the Fresh Blood category, intended for students.

The submitted works in the Plaktivat category were evaluated by an expert panel consisting of: Sašo Petek – Agencija 101 (president of the expert jury), Katja Petrin Dornik – Herman & partners, Vasja Grabner – AV studio, Domen Husu – Yin Young, Martina Kokovnik – art director, Luka Bajs – SHIFT and Tomaž Drozg – TAM-TAM. In the Fresh Blood category, intended for students, works were evaluated by a panel of internationally renowned designers and creators, consisting of: Nejc Trampuž, Alja Herlah, Blaž Rat, Alja Horvat and Nejc Prah.


The designers of the winning poster entitled Resnična grozljivka / True Horror are Sara Mlinar and Gašper Štern – AV STUDIO.

“We rarely have the opportunity to evaluate such a wide selection of ads that deal with the same topic within a single medium. In these cases, it is, of course, inevitable that many works include the same motif and ideas within very similar contexts, however, a few of them usually stand out. According to the clarity of the message, relevant insight, emotional charge, uniqueness of the idea and artistic elaboration that corresponds to the medium of the poster. This year’s shortlisted works stood out in terms of at least some of the mentioned criteria, and the winning work, which included a fresh insight into the situation, artistic elaboration, perceptibility and uniqueness of the idea, met the most criteria and deservedly won.” (Sašo Petek, president of the expert jury)


The recipients of the silver plaque for design are. Nina Zadravec and Blaž Žnidarec (Napolni nekomu srce/Fill Someone’s Heart), Nejc Planinšek (Krvosesi/Bloodsuckers), Matej Ferlič, Juš Šoltes (Blood for Someone), PRISTOP – Peter Zabret, Rok Flego (Nula/Zero).


The designer of the winning poster Gorivo življenja / Fuel for Life in the Fresh Blood category is Petra Lapajne Povirk.

“The winning poster, a textbook example of a visually perfected work, reflects the designer’s high level of execution skills. It convinced the panel above all with its well-thought-out and consistent reference to current global events, which reflects the poster’s message in a creative and unconventional way. Anyone viewing the poster is not only confronted with the problem of the lack of blood donors in Slovenia, but also persuaded to actively engage in blood donation. The poster, both narrowly and broadly speaking, meets all the necessary criteria of a winning work of art.” (Alja Herlah and Blaž Rat, members of the Fresh Blood category panel)


The panel’s honourable mention award for the Fresh Blood category goes to: Klemen Berus, Dora Kaštrun (Dotik srca/Touch of the Heart), Jovana Đukić, Maša Pušnik (Krijem zate/I’ll Cover You), Tea Es, Lana Črnigoj, Sara Mekinc (Vklopi humanost. Postani krvodajalec/Turn on Humanity. Become a Blood Donor), Daniel Lenarčič (Čas je kri/Time is Blood), Lejla Korać (Bodi junak/Be a Hero), Zala Reberc (rAB-im te/I Need You), Zoja Leskovšek (Daruj iz srca/Donate from the Heart), Aleksandra Kortas (Hero), Tim Topič (Intimna anonimna krvodajalstva), Lenart Marovt (Kri je zastonj).


The selection of posters submitted to the competition will be on display between 13 January and 2 March 2023. The opening of the first part of the exhibition will be held on 13 January in the TAM-TAM Poster Gallery and will include a meeting with the designers. Details about the exhibition will be posted on the TAM-TAM website.