Who Are the Winners of the 17th International Plaktivat Competition?

A Bright Future for Culture – Winning Posters Announced for the Theme ‘Good Day, Culture!’ That Has Successfully Captured Global Attention.

With a record number of submissions and participating countries, the 17th urban poster design competition Plaktivat, titled “Hello, Culture!”, has concluded. The competition received 413 entries from as many as 32 countries, ranging from Japan and Brazil to South Korea and Venezuela. Among all the submitted works, the jury was most impressed by the piece titled KULTURNO LETO/CULTURE YEAR by Marko Por. The jury for the Fresh Blood category also announced two winning entries: KULTURA KREPI/CULTURE EMPOWERS by Alice Muratović Romih and a series of posters titled KAM PA TI SODIŠ BREZ KULTURE?/WHERE DO YOU BELONG WITHOUT CULTURE? by Kristina Žižek.

The decline in cultural awareness is evident, as shown by a study reporting a reduced number of cultural events and visitors in Slovenia, which still has not reached pre-pandemic figures. In 2023, Slovenian cultural institutions hosted 24,154 events, attended by more than 3.9 million visitors—12% fewer than in 2019. Therefore, this year’s goal was to encourage year-round exploration of culture and gently but clearly remind people of the positive impact culture has on society and individuals.

“This time, the jury process almost felt like a cultural event in itself. The diverse works reflected the richness of Slovenian culture, challenged existing perspectives, and opened new ones. On behalf of the entire jury, I want to thank all participants for pouring their time and inspiration into over 365 pieces that promote year-round cultural exploration—one of the most beautiful wishes for February 8th,” said Peter Zabret, Creative Director at the Internavti agency and Chairman of the Main Plaktivat Jury.

He was joined by Julija Somrak (DROM agency), David Fartek (ArnoldVuga), Nina Vrhovec (Multipraktik studio), Špela Drašlar (Saatchi&Saatchi), Aljaž Vesel (design studio AA), and Tomaž Drozg from TAM-TAM.

After thorough deliberation and constructive debate at Rog Center, they selected 13 finalists and the winning piece, titled KULTURNO LETO/CULTURE YEAR.

Kulturno leto – Marko Por

The Winning Piece by Marko Por: A Witty Vision to Inspire Cultural Exploration

The winning poster, created by Marko Por, impressed the jury with its original vision and humorous approach. “Not just one, but this time, four Prešerens (A/N France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet and a national symbol of Slovenian cultural heritage) will invite us to explore Slovenian culture all year round, regardless of the length of the day or the sleeves. If anyone is equipped to encourage entry into our cultural institutions from the streets, it’s them—with their jovial spirit. These institutions are eagerly waiting to welcome you and offer fresh perspectives,” explained Peter Zabret in the jury’s reasoning.


Fresh Blood Category: Two Winners Announced

In the Fresh Blood category, aimed at students, the works were evaluated by a jury of internationally recognized designers and creators. The panel included Tomato Košir (designer and chairman of the Fresh Blood jury), Sara Sešlar Naraks (DROM Agency), visual artist Lucija Rosc, Gašper Uršič (Ginetta), and Mina Fina (Grupa Ee).

“The winning solutions are entirely different, yet they all work. Due to their high conceptual level, originality, quality execution, and, most importantly, their appropriate engagement with this challenging theme, the jury decided to award both proposals with the highest honor,” summarized Košir.

The winning posters and their creators are:

  • Alica Muratović Romih for the poster CULTURE EMPOWERS, and
  • Kristina Žižek for the poster WHERE DO YOU BELONG WITHOUT CULTURE?

Kultura krepi – Alica Muratović Romih

Series of posters KAM PA TI SODIŠ BREZ KULTURE? – Kristina Žižek

According to Tomato Košir, Alica Muratović Romih impressed the jury with her originality: “Her work successfully captures and entertains the viewer, using humor to engage them. At the same time, her visual execution makes excellent use of the poster medium.”

Kristina Žižek’s series of posters stood out for its cleverness: “A witty series that could only work so convincingly in the context of Slovenian culture. Its sharp insight is its main strength, as is its ability to address the audience without inducing guilt,” added Košir.

In addition to the two winning pieces, the jury also announced 15 finalists in the Fresh Blood category.


Finalists and Exhibitions of Plaktivat #17

The selected posters from the 17th International Plaktivat Competition will be exhibited in two locations in Ljubljana: TAM-TAM’s Figovec Poster Gallery and BTC Poster Gallery (located in front of the former Kolosej cinema).

The exhibition opens on Tuesday, January 14, at 4:00 PM at the Figovec Poster Gallery. The event will feature a gathering of designers and the presentation of the plaque and megaphone to the author of the winning poster.

Plaktivat #17 Summary

Concept and Execution: TAM-TAM Institute
Medium: TAM-TAM urban posters
Theme: Hello, Culture!

Winners and Finalists by Category

Plaktivat Category

Winner: Culture Year – Marko Por

Finalists: Mi smo kultura (We Are Culture) – Tina Margon, Največ vsebine za vaš denar (The Most Content for Your Money) – Matej Markovič and Radovan Jaušovec, Culture soothe – Bartosz Mikołajczyk, Naj slovenska kultura ne ostane le spomin (Don’t Let Slovenian Culture Remain Just a Memory) – Eva Leber, Postrezi si s kulturo (Serve Yourself Culture) – Nina Zadravec and Maja Podojsteršek, Hello Culture – Andreas Stettler, Vstopnica za … (A Ticket for …) – Sara Grmek and Andraž Grulja, Sejalec (Sower) – Anja Korenč and Benjamin Hrkić / bold.group, Kultura celo leto (Culture All Year) – Urška Čuk, Tit Lončar, Simon Rozman, and Lenart Slabe, Kam pa ti sodiš brez kulture? (Where Do You Belong Without Culture?) – Kristina Žižek, Kultura je osnovna higiena! (Culture Is Basic Hygiene!) – Miha Benčina and Sara Bogicevic, Kultura me oblikuje (Culture Shapes Me) – David Fartek and Rok Artiček, Kultura vabi (Culture Invites) – Katarina Klauž

Fresh Blood Category

Winners: Kultura krepi (Culture Empowers) – Alica Muratović Romih, Kam pa ti sodiš brez kulture? (Where Do You Belong Without Culture?) – Kristina Žižek

Finalists: Carnival – Peipei Hao, Račun (Receipt) – Lana Pavlič and Lara Pavčnik. Kultiviraj se! (Cultivate Yourself!) – Lea Dujmovič, Trendi in literatura (Trends and Literature) – Luka Božić, Vstopi v kulturo (Step Into Culture) – Vanja Flis, Kultura na žlico (Culture by the Spoonful) – Neža Cvetković, Izhod v kulturo (Exit Into Culture) – Neža Cvetković, En klinc vidiš (You See Nothing) – Emporij d.o.o. (Illustration by Paul Cadmus – Greenwich Village Cafeteria, 1934), Odkrij nove svetove (Discover New Worlds) – Ajda Breščak, Sestavljanka družbe (Puzzle of Society) – Tone Vastl and Ajla Avdić, Na tekočem s kulturo (Up-to-Date With Culture) – Vito Sedej and Janja Benedik, Izbira je tvoja! (The Choice Is Yours!) – Veronika Gombárová, Kultura je osnovna higiena! (Culture Is Basic Hygiene!) – Miha Benčina and Sara Bogicevic, Samo kura? (Just Chicken?) – Teja Medvešček, Vrata v Kulturo (Doors to Culture) – Vid Godec